Trager Haus | GetNeat ID
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Trager Haus


Glasgow Ayr Road


Stylist & Install

Project type

Staged for sell

I met this client randomly on a flight to Bristol, then a year later Linda came into the store I was working at, at the time, and found me! She invited me up to the house and what a stunner it was! Super high end, clever structural design from which came from the collaborations of Haus architects and Linda's construction company, creating this beautifully balanced cantilever.

Due to copy right issues I am not able to show any images from the outside, google it and you can see, but here are photos i took from my phone, my stylings for the home to dress it for selling!

Leather, velvets and suedes for the seating to give a warmth and tactile texture to the areas when in use. Raw oaks and brushed steels for the supports that then complimented by the timber used around the house exterior. Simple and elegant item were selected, with forms and shapes the mimicked the outer shell.

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